Artist: Elizabeth Ross
Submission: 04. April 2011
Title: Sin Maíz no hay País (without corn there is no country)
Tecnical specification: digital manipulated photos
Message: If we are what we eat, and we base our food in Maiz, then we are maiz. If the maiz gens are altered, we don’t know what kind of mutations we all have… Viva la diversidad de la vida!
Country: México
Artist: Elizabeth Ross
Submission: 05. April 2011
Title: Teocintli Nochan (Sagrado Maíz, Nuestro hogar/ Sacred Corn, Home)
Tecnique: photography
Message: de Nómada, las mujeres se mueven
Country: México
Website: the nomad project
Artist: Elizabeth Ross
Submission: 05. April 2011
Title: Ofrenda
Tecnique: photography
Message: de Notlallo Mi cuerpo, mi barro
Country: México
Blog: the blog project
Artist: Elizabeth Ross
Submission: 07. April 2011
Title: Sin maíz no hay país
Tecnique: photography, collage
Country: México
[…] como las semillas están patentadas, se atenta contra la soberanía alimentaria de los pueblos. Una de las autoras del proyecto lo define así: SIN MAÍZ, NO HAY PAÍS: “If we are what we eat, and we base our food in […]